Chandrayaan Landing

Chandrayaan Landing

“A Giant Leap for Young Minds” KCMWS organized a special telecast of the Chandrayaan landing. The event took place in the school auditorium as well as classrooms, wherein students from various grades witnessed this historic moment.The telecast began with an overview of the significance of space exploration. Students learned how missions like Chandrayaan contribute to […]

23 August 2023

Chandrayaan Landing


“A Giant Leap for Young Minds”

KCMWS organized a special telecast of the Chandrayaan landing. The event took place in the school auditorium as well as classrooms, wherein students from various grades witnessed this historic moment.
The telecast began with an overview of the significance of space exploration. Students learned how missions like Chandrayaan contribute to our understanding of the Moon’s geology, its history, and its potential as a resource. Students learned about ISRO’s journey from its inception to becoming a key player in space exploration.
Students learned about the challenges of landing on the Moon, the propulsion systems used, and the intricate maneuvers involved in ensuring a safe landing. The students gained insights into the collaborative efforts of scientists, engineers, and researchers who worked tirelessly on the mission. The emphasis on teamwork and dedication left a lasting impression on the young minds.
The event aimed to inspire students to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The telecast showed them that with determination and hard work, they too could contribute to groundbreaking scientific endeavors. The event will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the students as they continue their educational journey.

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